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November 8, 2017

President Blake Jackson called the meeting to order and Pledge of Allegiance, at 7:06 PM at Izaak Walton Club House.

Discussion: Christmas Party:

Christmas party will be held during our next regular meeting. It will start at 6:30p.m. at Casper Municipal Golf Course. Prime rib will be served and the bar will be open, Tickets are $15.00 and you can get them from Janet or at the Ugly Bug. December 9th. Is the cut off date for getting tickets. Please bring a white elephant gift, as we will do a gift exchange! Also, please do not bring alcohol as they have their own bar. Raffle for the Conservation Stamp and some other raffles will take place too.

Discussion: Fishing Report

Not many out fishing. Slow out at Alcova, but Miracle Mile is starting to pick up as the lake fish are moving up. Savory is doing well especially the Tiger Trout. Joe went to Jessica’s Pond and caught some fish. The lower part of the river is slowing down. Anything small and black with silver is good. Early morning fishing is slow but head out about 11 and fish the rest of the day you will catch something.

Discussion: 2018 Meeting Day and Place Change

Our 2018 meetings will be held at the Casper Municipal golf course. Both board meetings and general meeting will be held there on Tuesdays, not Wednesdays. If interested in a board position let Blake or Janet know. We need a treasurer, someone with accounting experience.

Discussion: Lyin’ and Tyin’

Lyin and Tyin at the Oil and Gas building starting in Nov. 9:00am until noon. Contact Derrick Dietz or Spencer if you have questions.

Presenter- Mandy

Joe introduced Mandy with Casting for Recovery. She is oncology nurse with a background in fly-fishing. She became involved with Casting with Recovery through a client. Casting with Recovery is a women’s inclusive group that have gone through breast cancer. There next retreat is July 27-29 in Dubois. Casting with Recovery has a website that lists what area they need volunteers.

We also had a great presentation on float tubing 101 by Randy Stalker!!


Blake adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM after the presentation and our next meeting and Christmas party will be at the Casper Municipal Golf Course.

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